* UPDATED - Febrauary 2023 - See updated section highlighted below *

Privacy Policy

The following provides details about our Privacy Policy. This policy applies to the CarpAnswers website.


We require a valid email address to notify you when someone has answered a question or added a commented to any question you're subscribed to. We also use it to send news and updates concerning CarpAnswers.

What other personal data does CarpAnswers collect?

Only the username and password you entered when you signed up. This is to protect your privacy and ensure that other people cannot sign on to the site in your name without your permission. CarpAnswers may request further personal information in the future in order to improve our website and services. If we are requested by the police or any regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities, or in response to a UK court order, to access and disclose individually identifiable information concerning your activities whilst using our website, we shall do so (but we will, where reasonably practicable, notify you in advance of any court order). We also reserve the right to disclose individually identifiable information to third parties where a complaint arises concerning your use of our website, and that use is deemed by us inconsistent with this policy. CarpAnswers takes privacy very seriously. Please note that CarpAnswers does not share any personal identifiable information to advertisers. We will not sell or give any personal contact information of any kind to anyone as well.

How to unsubscribe from alerts

To stop receiving email updates to a question you've subscribed to, you should click the unsubscribe link in the email alerts.


Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer by your browser. We use them to save information that helps you - for example to save you entering your personal details every time you re-visit the site. The cookies contain no personal details about you. You can disable cookies by changing your browser preferences.

Do CarpAnswers advertisers use cookies?

Yes. CarpAnswers works with several partners to directly or indirectly serve advertisements to the site. Adverts are an important way of providing revenue to CarpAnswers, which is completely free at the point of use. Advertising cookies do not contain personal details. They may however be used for re-targeting campaigns and assuring you are not displayed adverts more than a certain number of times per session. We believe that relevant and interesting adverts are important for maintaining site quality.

* UPDATE - February 2023 *

Google Advertising

CarpAnswers provides its advertising using Google. Google uses personal data to provide personalisation of ads and cookies may be used for personalised and non-personalised advertising.

For more in-depth details around how Google uses this personal data, please see Googles uses of information

Third-party recipients of data

Data is shared with following third-parties along with the reasons for this:

  • Site visitor analysis - Google Analytics
  • Personalised and Non-personalised Advertisement - Google Ads

* END OF UPDATE - February 2023 *

Privacy Policy Changes

We will let you know by making any alterations clear on this page.

Contact Us

If you wish to email us with any questions or comments about CarpAnswers, then please contact us here.